
  • Ганна Онкович доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри іноземних мов та соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін КМУ, Україна
  • Зоя Адамія доктор філософії, професор Тбіліського педагогічного університету імені Гурама Таварткіладзе; директор Грузинсько-українського інституту мови та культури, запрошений професор Сухумського державного університету, Тбілісі, Грузія

Ключові слова:

language and culture, terminology system of linguistic studies, medical terminology, sectoral (specialised) linguistic studies, sectoral (specialised) linguistic Ukrainian studies, medical (pharmaceutical) linguistic studies


Linguistic and country studies issues have gained intensive development in Ukraine, in particular in the
methodology of teaching Ukrainian to foreigners. The achievements of Ukrainian theorists and practitioners have aroused
considerable interest among researchers of the linguistic teaching process. By introducing linguo-Ukrainian studies, Ukrainian
scholars successfully developed this area in the methodology of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and sought to expand
their research in this promising and relevant field. Nowadays, both linguistic studies and linguistic Ukrainian studies are
successfully developing in Ukraine.
The article presents the historical context of the term linguoculturology and proposes a new term – professionally oriented
sectoral linguocultural studies.
The theoretical and practical significance of our study lies in the introduction of a new special course "Sectoral Linguistics
of Ukraine" into the educational space of higher education. The need for this course is especially felt in the teaching of
professional terminology in the course "Ukrainian for Specific Purposes". Our proposals are based on examples of educational
training of future healthcare professionals. The article highlights the techniques and methods of using professionally oriented
linguistic and country studies in the educational process of higher education. We consider it expedient to offer such a course in
higher education institutions of various fields of study, since professional "national" terms are available in many fields, broaden
the worldview, develop students' linguistic and analytical skills.


